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Earlier this year, news broke that foreign hackers had for months been secretly  monitoring email accounts  and communications between US government officials in charge of identifying foreign threats to national security. The attackers executed their intrusion through malicious code in an IT product called  SolarWinds , which allowed them to access the network and break into Microsoft’s email client.

Microsoft  released guidance  for how organizations can bolster security to attempt to avoid these attacks, and said that it has  not identified any Microsoft product vulnerabilities.

There may not be much you can do about the SolarWinds vulnerability or others like it. But if you get your work or personal email through Outlook on  Microsoft 365 , there are ways to better secure your individual account and avoid hacks. (If you use  Windows 10 , there are also  several security defaults that you can change  to better protect your device — many of which will also be available in the upcoming  Windows 11 .)

17 Jul, 2024
Gintaras Radauskas Senior journalist Updated on: July 11, 2024 7:52 AM
17 Jul, 2024
Vilius Petkauskas Deputy Editor Updated on: July 11, 2024 9:19 AM
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